
Due to increasing competition, the level of selection in interviews has been made more difficult so that the best candidates can be selected. Therefore, it is the duty of every person preparing for a job interview to make every effort to acquire as much knowledge as possible. so that he can be successful in getting his job.

Here are some frequently asked  AWS S3 interview questions that will help you in enhancing your knowledge. read it carefully

1) What is Amazon S3?

Answer – Amazon S3 stands for Amazon Simple Storage Service. It is a scalable object storage on the web for storing and retrieving any amount of data from anywhere.

2)What are the key components of Amazon S3?

Answer – Objects, buckets, and S3 namespaces are the core components of Amazon S3.

3)What is S3 Transfer Acceleration?

Answer – This is a feature of  S3 AWS that helps in increasing the uploading speed. It uses Amazon CloudFront’s globally distributed edge locations to increase uploading speeds.

4)What is the difference between Amazon S3 and Amazon EBS?

Answer – Amazon S3 is used to store and retrieve any amount of data on the web whereas Amazon EBS is a block-level storage.

5)How can you secure an S3 bucket? (this is the most asked aws s3 bucket interview question)

Answer – Bucket policies, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), and Access Control Lists (ACLs) are commonly used to increase the security of S3 buckets.

6)Explain the different storage classes in Amazon S3.

Answer – Amazon S3 has various storage classes such as


7)What is the use of the S3 Transfer Manager?

Answer –

  • Efficiently upload large files.
  • Enhance transfer reliability and manageability.
  • Facilitate parallel uploads.

8)What are the S3 Inventory features?

Answer –

  • Scheduled reports on objects
  • Reduces data retrieval costs
  • Data Compression
  • Generates reports in multiple formats

9)What are the differences between S3 and EFS?

Answer –

  • S3 is object storage for files, images, and data while EFS is a file system for shared file storage.
  • S3 is accessed via HTTP/HTTPS while EFS supports NFS
  • S3 is suitable for static web hosting, backups, and data archiving while EFS is used for shared file storage.

10)What is S3 Batch Operations?

Answer – S3 Batch Operations is used to perform large-scale batch operations on Amazon S3 objects.

11)How can you secure data at rest in S3?

Answer – We can secure data at rest by using server-side encryption (SSE) such as SSE-S3, SSE-KMS, and SSE-C

12)What is the purpose of S3 Object Lock?

Answer –

  • Ensures data immutability
  • Implements a WORM (Write Once, Read Many) model
  • Data retention
  • Protects against accidental or intentional deletion

13)What is an S3 bucket policy?

Answer – It is a JSON-based document. It includes a set of permissions such as granting or denying access, data security, and defining operating conditions for objects and their properties.

14)What is the impact of key naming on S3 performance?

Answer – Key naming is very important for S3 performance. This affects how objects are distributed across partitions. Well-distributed key names increase scalability while poorly chosen key names can reduce efficiency.

15)What is an S3 Access Control List (ACL)?

Answer – It is used to manage access to S3 objects. Access control lists manage who can access and what type of access is allowed.

16)What is a multipart upload in S3?

Answer – Multipart upload in S3 allows items larger than 100 MB to be uploaded in smaller parts. It also improves efficiency, reliability, and performance.

17)What are S3 event notifications?

Answer – S3 event notifications allow you to receive notifications of events, such as object creation or deletion in your S3 bucket.

18) How can you enable versioning for an S3 bucket?

Answer – Versioning in the S3 bucket can be enabled through the AWS Management Console and AWS CLI.

19)How to Improve Amazon S3 Performance?

Answer –

  • Optimize Key Naming
  • Use Multipart Uploads
  • Leverage S3 Transfer Acceleration
  • Implement Caching
  • Choose Appropriate Storage Classes

20) What are the uses of S3 Select?

Answer –

  • Select only essential portions and reduce data transfer and processing costs
  • Advanced analytics for large datasets stored in S3
  • Filtering data from objects using SQL expressions
  • Serverless processing reduces infrastructure requirements.

21)What is the maximum size of an S3 object?

Answer – The maximum size of an individual object in Amazon S3 is 5 terabytes.

22)What is Cross-Region Replication (CRR) in S3?

Answer – Cross-region replication (CRR) is a feature that automatically replicates objects across different AWS regions. This increases data availability and durability.

23)What are the features of the Amazon S3 Glacier?

Answer –

  • S3 Glacier provides low-cost storage
  • Ensure high data durability
  • Implements access control policies
  • Organizes and manages data within containers

24) What are the best practices for securing S3 buckets?

Answer – Here are some practices for securing S3 buckets-

  • Bucket Policies and IAM
  • Object Permissions
  • Server-Side Encryption
  • Versioning
  • MFA Delete
  • Logging

25)What are the benefits of using CloudFront with S3?

Answer –

  • Distribute content globally
  • Improve content delivery performance
  • Secure Content Delivery
  • Cost-Efficient Data Transfer
  • Scale and Reliability


I hope you read the entire blog carefully and learn something. We tried to cover some of the most important interview questions on AWS S3. Yes, we know their a lot of things to learn but it’s not possible to cover all the knowledge in a single blog. If you want to know more in-depth you can contact us. we will help you. Many students get their dream job with the help of ThinkCloudly. We can help you too. just contact us.