The Cloud: not as safe and private as you think?

The cloud is a pretty recent phenomenon that has been popping up in everyone’s life. No matter what kind of job they do, people are using some form or other when uploading files to Dropbox or Google Docs. It even affects our data privacy – which makes this blog post all the more important! This article will answer any questions surrounding security and other challenges of cloud computing.

The next time you use a cloud service, take some minutes to think about what it might be like if your data were ever compromised. What would happen to the finances of all those users who rely on these services for their day-to-day life? Would they have access and ability as well as know-how when things go wrong with security or privacy practices from the provider/organization’s end! 

Challenges of Cloud Computing

Challenges of Cloud Computing

According to a recent survey conducted by RightScale, 997 technical professionals represent a wide cross-section of organizations that are currently using the cloud.

Their findings illuminate how companies may be able to address some common challenges for this new technology, such as data storage and security concerns in addition to costs savings via more efficient use compared with decentralized infrastructures like autonomous vehicles or energy generation plants which require constant maintenance but produce less output per unit time (which would make them cheaper).

1. Security

Among the challenges of Cloud computing first one is Security. Cloud computing is a recent innovation that has become popular for its many benefits.

However, this technology also carries with it some major concerns about security and data privacy from the user’s perspective in terms of access to stored information on third-party servers who store our personal files without any knowledge or control over what they contain.

In fact, there have been numerous cases where organizations were hacked leading up until today when we hear everyday news regarding yet another cyber breach at an international company like Equifax which compromised almost all US citizens’ info including driver’s license numbers – something incredibly important!

The risks of cloud computing have become a reality for every organization be it small or large. It is important to implement tools that can leverage proper security measures in order to ensure data privacy and integrity, maintain control over who has access rights, etc…

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2. Cost Management

The next part of our cloud computing challenges list involves costs. For the most part, businesses can save money by utilizing public or private cloud service providers depending on their needs and budgeting accommodations however, there’s always risk involved with any new technology.

The unpredictable nature in which these services work makes it difficult for organizations to define quantities beforehand as they might vary depending on who provides them and internet connection speed/availability versus other resources such as power supplies during peak times.

You can do cost optimization in the cloud with several different methods. For example by optimizing the financial analytics and reporting of your organization as well as automating policies for governance so that these issues with computing could be decreased.

3. Lack of Experts

As cloud technologies continue to rapidly advance, it’s no wonder that companies are finding themselves in a tough situation when trying to keep up with tools and resources.

The need for expertise growth can be hard without enough people or training from IT departments on how best to use these new applications of the cloud appropriately. Among all cloud computing challenges, this one should be handled well, because the scarcity of experts leads to a disbalance of the market in terms of demand and supply.

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4. Governance

Staying on top of IT is a challenge and one that needs to be addressed for any company. Governance and Control are some of the problems with cloud computing which is critical in terms of security and management of resources.

Proper governance can help your organization stay in control by ensuring you have proper policies, procedures (or tools), resources such as personnel who are knowledgeable about these things, or programs from other companies with which they work well–like Amazon Web Services Inc.(AWS).

The transition to the cloud has increased IT security risks and made it difficult for organizations. To mitigate these various threats, IT teams need more than just basic governance, they must adapt their traditional role of central control with business units in mind as well.

In order to adapt these risks into an opportunity rather than something negative happening due to poor preparations, companies use various services of cloud computing for governance like Role bases Access controls, Resource locks, Azure policies, etc.

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5. Compliance

Cloud computing also presents a huge risk of compliance. We define compliance as a set of rules about what data can be moved and what should be kept in-house as a means of maintaining compliance.
All organizations must adhere to the compliance rules set by various government entities.
It is important for cloud customers to use vendors that can provide compliance by checking if they are regulated by the standards they need. Some vendors offer certified compliance, but in some cases, customer input is required to ensure compliance.

6. Multiple Cloud Management

It has become important to list challenges faced by such organizations and find solutions to grow with them as they move to multiple public clouds, multiple private clouds, or a combination of both public and private clouds called the hybrid cloud. This trend has grown dramatically in recent years.

Recently, companies have been combining or shifting between public and private clouds, and tech giants like Alibaba and Amazon are leading the way.

7. Portability / Migration

This is another challenge to cloud computing that applications should easily be migrated from one cloud provider to another. There must not be vendor lock-in, but it’s not yet made possible because each of the providers uses different languages for their platforms which makes moving an application difficult and time-consuming when trying to find someone who can help you out with this task or do everything on your behalf (which may lead some businesses into using more than one platform).

8. Computing Performance

With the increasing need for data-intensive applications, cloud storage is becoming more popular. However, a lack of bandwidth can lead to slow performance and increased costs in this type of system that may not meet user expectations – especially when they require high speeds or their desired functionality isn’t met due to solely inadequate network connections with no other option available but higher prices!

9. Interperformance of CSPs

The ability to exchange and use information between two or more applications is known as interoperability. In other words: cloud service providers should easily integrate their services into other platforms offered by another provider with little difficulty (or even enjoyment!). The key here lies not only in connecting your old systems but also in using those connections for decision-making when making choices about future technology investments!

10. Quality Service

The reliability of a cloud service provider is important for the end-users, which are companies. They need a robust solution to support their computing needs and this cannot be compromised with low-quality or unmet promises in any way shape or form!

The future lies in cloud computing

Cloud computing, despite its challenges and limitations in the past, is a reliable resource that can solve many problems for companies. The technology has been rapidly disrupting the BI landscape with 28% forecasted adoption by 2022!

The future of cloud computing is inevitable. We are living in a digital world where the Internet has become an integral part of our lives, and it’s not going to stop anytime soon. With more people coming online every day, now is the time for companies to start exploring how they can leverage the power of this technology to improve their businesses.

If you want to learn more about cloud computing or if you need help brainstorming ideas on how to make use of these resources, check out our other blogs and courses.